Whether your child is new to swim team or if he or she is 8 years of age and under and you are unsure if your child is ready for swim team, we offer a swim evaluation with
Head Swim Coach Ruthy O’Malley
Lesson Coordinator Michelle Bertram
During the evaluation we will ask your child to get into the pool with a swim coach who will then spend a few minutes 1:1 assessing their comfort level in the pool. After the evaluation, we will let you know if your 6 and under is ready for the swim team (swim 15 yards with breathing) or would be better off in our swim lesson program. For those older kids, we will provide feedback on which practice group would be best for your swimmer. Please note that if you were in swim lessons last year and attained the Shark level, the coaches would still like your child to attend the evaluation so that they can place him/her in the proper practice groups. For those kids that attained Dolphin level and may have taken lessons over the winter, or if you feel your child may be ready, we would love to see you as well.
Swim practice is Monday through Friday, beginning on June 3 and continuing through July 19 for those swimmers swimming at Classic and July 26 for those swimming at City. Swimmers should make an effort to be at practice every day to benefit from the training, conditioning and stroke work that the coaches provide. In the event that your swimmer cannot attend practice for several days in a row please let Coach Ruthy know in advance with a written note.
On cool mornings, (60 degrees or below) the coaches may lead the swimmers in dry land training and games. On those days swimmers should come to practice in warm ups and shoes.
Cancellation of practice will be emailed to all members through the TeamUnify email account. No practice will be held if there is lightning sighted.
For more information about practices, meet schedules and socials, go to the Sharks Swim Team Website.
Swim Team Registration: Cost: $220 for the first Swimmer; $195 for each additional swimmer
Whether you are a returning family or a new family joining the Saybrook Sharks Swim Team, the registration process is a simple two-step process and takes only a few minutes. Please read the information below for complete instructions on how to become a Saybrook Shark!
Step 1: Online Registration
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER or go directly to https://www.teamunify.com/team/recnpssil/page/team-registration .
Step 2: Medical Waiver
To complete your registration you must mail/drop off the Family Medical Waiver Form to the Swim Team Vice President no later than April 30th to avoid a late fee. The Family Medical Waiver form is separate from the Naperville Swim Conference Waiver that was signed electronically. Your registration is not complete without the signed Medical Waiver Form.
Once all of these are received and processed, you will be sent an approval email and you will be granted access to your own private account for the Shark Team. Your private account is your one-stop-shop for maintaining your contact information, declaring for swim meets, signing up for jobs, interactively tracking your kids times, and much more. After registration closes, a separate e-mail will be sent out with details regarding Volunteer Sign Up, and registering your swimmer(s) for swim meets.
Are you a local business or service looking to sponsor our swim team? Get recognized in our community by appearing on our website and apps!